Jesus Christ is the bridge between God and your best life possible.
The secret is learning to walk in Christ.
And walking in Christ is easier than you think.
Did you ever think or wonder, "Am I on the right path in life?"
Want to get on God's best path for you and yours?
Does this sound familiar?
Remember thinking? "I am frustrated; I’m lost; and I am alone! I keep going down the same path and end up nowhere, and I don’t know what to do about it!"
When you are reading the Introduction of OK, God, Now What, you’ll learn to redefine your definition of the word ‘Direction’…and as you shift your perception, you’ll gain the insight of how to move through the maze of barriers, frustrations and poor self identity that can hold you back in your life.
Stuck: Let's talk about Jesse, who is a businessman from Norwich, CT, and he experienced this kind of life transforming shift much to his own delight, and that of his family. Jesse is a veteran, he had returned from Iraq, but the skills he had become so expert at were not transitioning well into civilian life. He was stuck, his sales were down, money was tight, and his marriage was in trouble, and he did not know what to do to fix anything.
He had been born again as a child but did not recognize his Christ identity, and the gifts that came by birthright.
And as he began to do the OK, God, Now What Affirmations Magnets that Christ identity started to surface.
Transformation You Can Feel - Jesse's Story A homecoming veteran's success story..
Jesse had been a Bible teacher and minister for years, but had never seen such practical application as in the OK, God, Now What Affirmation Magnets. And when he saw how biblical OK, God, Now What is, and how well it tied into the Scriptures, and how much of it is pure Scripture, he dived right into doing the Affirmations in section 2.
Word Power: He especially saw the power in this small portion from Affirmation E, where the affirmation says: 2 Cor 5:17 “Therefore if any anyone be [born again] in Christ, he is a new creature (one born of God in the Spirit): old things (of the spirit and a dismal future) are passed away; behold, all things are become new. … And I am to boldly, Rom 13:14 “ …put on the Lord Jesus Christ (in the attitude of my mind, as my strength and my self-identity).”With these kinds of Scripture Affirmations Magnets Jesse found his Christ identity that he had buried as a child.
Results: This is what Jesse said happened to him: “At first doing the Affirmation Magnets was hard, but I made it my job and it got much easier. And then something started to happen to me. Before it was like I was a piece of paper driven by the wind. Whatever negative happened to me, …my wife or my kids, …put me up against the wall.
"But as I did the Affirmation Magnet program in OK, GOD, Now What, it was like I became like a flag fixed to a strong flag pole. The winds blew, I fluttered some, but I stayed steady.
"I began to see myself in the love and family of God, like God really sees me. My self identity in Christ began to grow like I had always dreamed of, but did not know how to do. In my growing Christ identity, I knew God would help, AND …I was doing the things that let Him help me. It was a strange feeling, literally in my gut. But boy, it is so much better than the frustration and fear I had before.
"One of the first things I noticed was there were less fights at home. Oh, yeah, my sales are up, we now have more money, and my marriage is back on track, and we are in love again. You know what? I did find my best identity.”
Self Identity Power: You know, I, Donald, first wrote OK, GOD, Now What based on how to develop successful attitudes. Later I came to know that what this book really does is show you how to take control of your life, and build a God-ordained, Christ self-identity that releases the best that God has to offer, and will free anyone from a life of hopelessness, frustration and disappointment.
As you do the program in OK, GOD, Now What, you will come to know that you are not alone and there are answers from the God of the Universe in the tools found in OK, GOD, Now What. And these tools will help you create a life filled with more satisfaction, love and joy than you could ever imagine. And it is easier than you may think. Jesse is doing it, and so can you.
What other's say about Donald's book, OK, GOD, Now What?
"I love the way you took complex [Bible] topics, and made them easy to understand. And then summarized them into practical actions anyone can do." Zeb B., Radio Host
"Everything that this book promises is true. It is filled with insight, wisdom and tons of Biblical principles and powerful verses from God's Word. ... If you are someone who loves digging into the Scriptures and meditating on God's Word to let it go deep inside of you, this is the book for you. It is not a quick fix, easy sound-byte solution but rather a tool to help you reshape your mind and reorient your thoughts." Derek, Christian
"Don Mann's book isn't for those who want everything reduced to sound bites. If you're serious about success, and ready to move into the fullness of God's plan for your health and wealth, you will find priceless counsel and direction in "OK, God, Now What?" Kepler N., +20 Year Missionary Veteran
"In OK God, Now What, Don Mann, a successful scientist, businessman, and long time Christian lay minister, reveals God’s core principles for uniting your heart on God and producing success in every part of life. By combining Biblical truth, modern discoveries on how the brain operates, and practical tools to renew your mind, OK God, Now What? opens the doors to help you fulfill your best dreams.
"With the tools provided in "OK, God, Now What" you can flourish in any economy or business environment, and in any situation to produce the best God has for you and yours. By using OK, God, Now What? as a workbook, in just 21, 40 and 90 days you will see dramatic results. Mann's step-by-step process will show you how to get results using the Scriptures to build your faith and heart in God. By training your subconscious mind in God’s grace, truth and love, you will be able to work effectively with God to manifest your destiny in Him. So, what are you waiting for? Get this book and jump start your Christian dreams today!" Bob Hutchins, Buzz Plant Marketing